Zeige Kurzbeschreibung der Datei mptekm10.lha
<< ZurückDateiname: | mptekm10.lha (4,134 bytes) |
Veröffentlicht: | 30. August 2001, 10,120 downloads |
Kategorie: | AmigaOS (68k) |
Für Download hier klicken |
Short: Official Keyfilemaker for MP3-TagEd Uploader: siegel@siegel.in-berlin.de (Sascha Pfalz) Author: siegel@siegel.in-berlin.de (Sascha Pfalz) Type: util/cli Version: 1.0 Requires: MP3-TagEd by Christian 'vIGGE' Vig�rd This little CLI Tool creates a keyfile for MP3-TagEd which was written by Christian 'vIGGE' Vig�rd. As far as I know is is Amiga broken and he cannot continue his development on MP3-TagEd, so he asked the public if anyone can either create a public key or a Keyfilemaker for MP3-TagEd. As I love it to have programs registered to my name I decided to write this little tool, so here it is ;)