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Released: | 28th December 2004, 15,003 downloads |
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MaxMind GeoIP Support for Oracle Databases written by Sascha 'SieGeL' Pfalz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What this is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a small set of functions + table definition to load the MaxMind GeoIP Country Database into Oracle (see for further informations). It should be easy to setup and allows you to query the GeoIP database with a set of functions. I've tested this successfully with Oracle 8i and 9i Databases, earlier version might work, but I'm not sure. 2. How To install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've provided both the table definition and a small PL/SQL package to use the table, both in separate textfiles, which should be executable directly from SQL*Plus. So follow these steps to install GeoIP support: 1. Open a command shell and change to the directory where both *.sql files are located. 2. Login to SQL*Plus under the user you wish to use the GeoIP functionality and enter the following: @GeoIP_table You should see some output stating that Table, comment and index where created successfully. No errors should occur, else please check the corresponding file GeoIP_table.sql for any errors. At least here it works :) Next you have to install the PL/SQL code (if you wish of course, you may also use everything WITHOUT it, it's just supplied for easier usage). @GeoIP_pack This should install both package header and body. 3. Finally we have to fill our table. Go to MaxMind Website and download the free country database in CSV format. Use the following URL for direct dl: Unzip the file in the folder where the file GeoIP_import.ctl is located, so that we can import the data with SQL*Loader. So you should have now both the GeoIPCountryWhois.csv and the GeoIP_import.ctl file together in the same directory. Now enter: sqlldr USERID=<ORACLE_USER_CONNECT> CONTROL=GeoIP_import.ctl After some time (depends on how fast your machine is :) SQL*Loader should be finished without errors and should have written ~66768 Records. You may check the file GeoIP_import.log for any errors, but normally this should be working fine. Note: The control file I've supplied imports in REPLACE mode, which means that the table GEOIP will be truncated BEFORE importing the file! Please keep this in mind in case you have altered the table yourself. Thats it for installation, you have now a simple and easy way to query any ip address for the country code or country name thanks to MaxMind :) 3. Usage ~~~~~~~~ I've provided a small PL/SQL package called UTL_GEOIP to make queries against the GeoIP table a little bit more comfortable. So to query which country is behind the random choosen ip address you may enter: SELECT UTL_GEOIP.GETCOUNTRYNAME('') FROM DUAL; Which results in 'Sweden' here. You may also query for the country code: SELECT UTL_GEOIP.GETCC('') FROM DUAL; which returns 'SE' here. Please refer to the file GeoIP_pack.sql to see how this all goes, or take a look to the Website, which provides very good informations how to use the GeoIP database. 4. Final Words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have written these scripts mainly to have the ip-to-country informations available at work, but I think others may benifit from these functions, too. If you have any suggestions, bug-reports or other comments about this package, feel free to drop me an email (see bottom of text for addresses). A big THANKS must go to for providing their excellent database under the GPL, and therefor all of my additional small scripts are also licenced under the GPL of course. 5. Contact ~~~~~~~~~~ Here are some sources how to reach me: E-Mail: WWW: ICQ: 9691810 (not very often in use however) Have fun with these little scripts! Regards, Sascha 'SieGeL' Pfalz -----------------------------------------------------------------------[EOF]---