
Zeige Kurzbeschreibung der Datei fcomm130.lha

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Dateiname: fcomm130.lha (48,913 bytes)
Veröffentlicht: 02. Januar 1998, 9,743 downloads
Kategorie: AmigaOS (68k)

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Short:    FAME DoorCommands.guide V1.30
Uploader: siegel@trsi.de (Sascha Pfalz)
Author:   siegel@trsi.de (Sascha Pfalz)
Type:     docs/misc
Replaces: docs/misc/fcomm.lha
Version:  1.30

This guide describes all available DoorCommands for FAME V1.30 and higher
versions. Also a small explanation how to code and use the FAME door startup
code is included. The guide is written in a HotHelp compatible way, so you
could easily integrate it into Maxxon's HotHelp.