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Dateiname: OIS203.zip (302,962 bytes)
Veröffentlicht: 01. Februar 2015, 4,623 downloads
Kategorie: PHP

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    Oracle Information Site 2.03 - Readme (Last updated on 01-Feb-2015)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This document provides installation instructions and a short overview of the
integrated features.

OIS 2.xx is the successor of my OIS 1.x application. The old OIS was assembled
in the early days of 2001 with table layouts, hard-coded styles and limited
functionality to extend OIS with additional plugins.

So in 2009 I've decided to rewrite the whole application from scratch using
Web 2.0 functionality (i hate this term) and a flexible plugin structure
which allows other developers to enhance OIS2 with new functions.
In fact, all functionality provided by OIS 1.x has been integrated in OIS 2.xx
as plugins.

The major change to OIS 1.xx is the way you are connecting to Oracle. The
previous version required a hard-coded setup for username, password and TNS
name to connect to the databases. This is a major security problem as the
passwords of the users have to be entered in plain text, which makes it easy
for others to get the credentials.

OIS 2.xx no longer stores any usernames and passwords. Instead you are entering
these informations on the login page and OIS 2.xx authenticates your
crendentials against the choosen database. This way the passwords are no
longer stored in the configuration and your database privileges decides what
you can view from the various V$ and DBA_ views Oracle offers. Even a connect
with the well-known user "SCOTT" is now possible, however during the limited
privileges of that user you won't be able to see much database
informations at all.

OIS 2.xx requires the following software components to work:

- At least one Oracle instance, supported releases are 8i up to 11gR2

- A decent browser capable of Javascript and CSS 2.1. I've tested with
  Firefox 35.x, IE10, Opera 12, Safari 5.x, Chrome and iCab.

- PHP 5.x

- PHP components: OCI8, SESSION, JSON

- Optional the JPGraph classes (see http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/index.php)
  NOTE: Currently only the 3.x series is correctly supported!

- To connect as SYSDBA/SYSOPER you have to set the PHP init variable
  "oci8.privileged_connect" to "on" (only for PHP 5.2+)

- jQuery + jQuery UI is already contained in the release archive

Installation of OIS2 is rather simple. Extract the archive you've downloaded
to a location where your Webserver document root is located. The archive
extracts to an own directory called OIS2.

If you just want to have a first look point your browser to the OIS2 directory
of your webserver, no further configuration is required to use OIS. Just login
to your selected database with the user you want. The TNS names are
automatically read and shown in the login window.

OIS allows to fine-tune the installation by providing a configuration file.
The installation archive supplies the file "inc/config.inc.php.sample", just
rename it to "inc/config.inc.php" and adapt the settings to match your

Here's a brief description of the available config options:

This define specifies the real filesystem path where OIS2 is installed.
Only set this if autodetection does not work (and let me know WHY it
doesn't work for you!).

This define specifies the URL to reach OIS2 via your Web-Browser. As OIS2
auto-detects where it is running you should define this only if OIS2 was not
able to auto-detect the correct value. Again please give me a short mail in
case the auto-detection does not work.

Enter here the name of a jQueryUI theme, default is "smoothness".
All Themes have to be located as separate directories under the "css"
directory of OIS.
To make it easier for users to upgrade or exchange a given theme, simply
download a new one from the jQueryUI page and extract the contents in an own
directory below the "css" directory, then change this option here with the
name of your new theme.

Enter here all TNS names of the Oracle instances you want to use together
with OIS2. You can keep this array empty, in this case OIS reads the
tnsnames.ora file from $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or from the directory
given by environment variable $TNS_ADMIN.

OIS2 supports dynamic creation of graphs with the help of the superb JPGraph
package, which you can download under http://jpgraph.net/.
If you want to use these classes, specify here the full path to your
extracted JPGraph package. The path must point to the directory where the
base class "jpgraph.php" is located.

Point your browser to the URL where OIS2 is reachable on your server. You
will see a login mask with a selection of all TNS names you've configured.

If PHP 5.2 or newer is used and you have also set the PHP ini option
"oci8.privileged_connect" to "on", you can choose the connection
type, which is one of "NORMAL", "SYSOPER" or "SYSDBA.

Simply enter your Oracle Username, the Oracle Password and choose the TNS
name to connect, then click on Login. OIS2 then tries to authenticate your
given credentials against the Oracle instance, and if all is okay, you will
be redirected to the main screen, where some database informations are shown
together with the list of installed plugins.

OIS2 implements all functionality via plugins and some plugins are already
included in the release archive. The following plugins are provided in 2.03:

* Home
Home displays some database informations and a list of installed plugins.

* DB Info
DB Info displays global database informations:

 - General Informations
 - Initialisation parameter
 - SGA/PGA usage (depends on used Oracle Release)
 - Instance statistics
 - Control file overview
 - Used features
 - Registry

* DB Jobs
Overview of all Oracle Scheduler jobs from both DBMS_JOB and DBMS_SCHEDULER.
Note that DBMS_SCHEDULER is available only for Oracle 10g or newer, while
DBMS_JOB is available since Oracle 8i and still exists in 11gR2.
The OIS2 code should auto-detect the used Oracle version and display always
data which is valid for the given Oracle version.
Since 2.01 also the views DBMS_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS and

* Flashback
Overview of Flashback and Recycle Bin functionality. Flashback and the
recycle bin are new features introduced by Oracle 10g and newer, so for
older releases (8i/9i) you will get an error message if you start this plugin.

* Processes
This plugin displays a complete overview of all currently connected sessions.
Also it provides two views to show the "Top 20 CPU" and "Top 20 Wait"
processes. "Top 20 CPU" shows the Top 20 processes consuming most of the
available CPU time while "Top 20 Wait" lists the top 20 processes which have
the highest times "waiting" on something like latches etc.
Since V2.01 a new tab is added called "Long Ops". This tab will show long
running operations from V$SESSION_LONGOPS with TIME_REMAINING > 0. This
view is refreshed on a 3 second interval.
User sessions can be killed (if you have the necessary permissions) by
clicking on the red cross right to the process entry.

* Redo Logs
Displays a list of redo logs used by the current Oracle instance together
with some statistics about the usage of the redo logs.

* Rollback Seg.
Lists rollback segments from the current Oraclce instance. In Oracle 9i
and newer releases the UNDO tablespace informations are shown, too.

* Schema Viewer
Allows to view a list of objects available for a given schema. You can
also view the DDL of these objects if running Oracle 9i or newer. The
DDL is shown via the help of the DBMS_METADATA package which Oracle
introduced with Oracle 9i. Note that the DBMS_METADATA output is not
necessarly the same call you've made to actually create the object, Oracle
will transform the DDL call and add various options, even if they are
all at their default values.

* SQL Monitor
Displays all currently executing queries on your database instance in a
two second refresh delay. Useful to track workload of your database.

* Tablespaces
Displays an overview of all tablespaces defined in the current instance.
Also a "disc activity" table is shown which lists the various datafiles
together with their usage statistics, sorted by disc activity.
If you click on a name of a tablespace you will see the list of datafiles
the given tablespace defines.
Clicking on the Mag displays a list of all objects currently stored in
the tablespace.

* Top 20 Queries
Displays the Top 20 queries sorted by disc reads per execution. Also the
SQL statements with the most invalidations are shown here. You can click
on these SQL statements to view the details about the query performance.

* Users
Lists all registered users for the current instance. Click on an username
to view more details like assigned Roles etc.
In addition to the userlist you can view here also all defined roles and
profiles for the current instance.

* Logout
Logs you off from OIS2 and your database.

If you have any suggestions, bug-reports or improvements for OIS2, feel free
to contact me on one of the methods listed below:

E-MAIL: php@saschapfalz.de
   WWW: http://www.saschapfalz.de/contact.php

Normally I answer to emails in less than 8 hours, if this is not the case I'm
either very busy or your mail was killed by a spam filter, in this case resend
your email please or use the contact form on my homepage.

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